Scholarships Search Engine

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

The Quota Scheme

International Programmes & Networks

For the academic year 2010/ 2011, there will be no available Quota seats at UMB. Available Quota seats will be announced in December 2010 for the academic year 2011/2012.

The Quota Scheme was implemented by the Ministry of Education and Research in the autumn 1994 as a Norwegian Governmental Assistance Scheme to promote capacity building in the students' home countries and encourage participation from these countries in the process of internationalization of higher education.

The Quota Scheme covers living expenses while studying in Norway, travel allowances according to fixed national rates at minimum student costs and support to cover field work in the student’s home country as part of the study in Norway.

Approximately 70% of the Quota Scholarship is provided as loan and 30% as a scholarship; total amount of NOK 105.120 per year for PhD students and NOK 87.600 per year for master students (2009/ 2010).

If the student follows normal study progression, the financial support will normally be renewed every year. If the student permanently settles in his/her home country after completing the degree, the loan will be waived after one year. If the student settles in another country, he/she must repay the loan on the same conditions as Norwegian citizens.

As mentioned above, the Quota Scholarship also includes family support for living with the student in Norway. The monthly support is based on the number of children as follows:
one child: NOK 1400/ month, 2 children: NOK 2800/ month, each additional child:
NOK 900/ month. No support is provided for spouses solely, and no support is available to cover travel expenses for family members.

You can read the regulations for the Quota scholarship here.

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