Study Abroad Scholarship Directories: |
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| is a comprehensive directory of study abroad scholarships, fellowships, and grants to find funding for study outside the US at an undergraduate, graduate, or professional level of study.
Scholarship and Loan Information: |
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Study Abroad Financial Aid Websites: |
AIFS Minority Scholarships are awarded one per semester, full tuition for an AIFS study abroad program. One hundred AIFS International Scholarships are awarded annually---$1000 toward an AIFS program. |
American Association of University Women - the largest source of funding exclusively for graduate women in the world, supports aspiring scholars around the globe, teachers and activists in local communities, women at critical stages of their careers, and those pursuing professions where women are underrepresented. |
Association of Commonwealth Universities - Provides lists of scholarships and fellowships to and from over 480 universities drawn from the Commonwealth countries of Africa and Asia, Australasia and the South Pacific, Canada and the Caribbean, the United Kingdom, Cyprus and Malta. |
British Council - lists funding and scholarship information for study in the United Kingdom |
DAAD - German Academic Exchange Service - The edu Undergraduate Scholarship is a flexible scholarship program which offers SHORT-TERM scholarships for participation in summer study abroad, internships, senior thesis research or summer courses at German universities and LONG-TERM scholarships for semester or year study abroad. |
Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst (DAAD) - German Academic Exchange Service - association of the institutions of higher education in the Federal Republic of Germany, whose goal is to promote closer international relations among universities and other institutions of higher education, especially through the exchange of individual students and scholars. |
Entente Cordiale Entente Cordiale scholarships are awarded to outstanding British and French post-graduate, doctoral and post-doctoral students - all subjects - to study or undertake research for an academic year on the other side of the Channel. |
Fastweb - a very popular American college scholarship database. Registration required (no-fee). |
Fulbright Scholarships - For both Americans going abroad and incoming foreign students. Grants are made to citizens of participating countries, primarily for: university teachin, advanced research, graduate study and teaching in elementary and secondary schools. |
Fulbright Scholarships from the US-UK Educational Commission |
Gilman International Scholarship Program - The Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship program is sponsored by the Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs of the U.S. Department of State and administered by the Institute of International Education. This program seeks to lower barriers to undergraduate study abroad by offering scholarships to students with financial need, and we encourage those underrepresented in study abroad to apply. The award is up to $5,000 for semester or academic year programs. |
Global Learning Semesters - There are many financing options available for semester and summer abroad programs at Global Learning Semesters students. Learn more about how you can use our scholarship and loan programs to finance an extraordinary study abroad experience. | - More Financial Aid links from's sister site, |
GrantNet Funding Opportunities for Training in the Biological and Medical Sciences. |
Hispanic Study Abroad Scholars (HSAS) - Over $8 Million in scholarships for Hispanic study abroad. The HSAS Scholarship offers $1,000 per semester to students of the Hispanic Association of Colleges and Universities (HACU) attending Global Learning Semesters programs. |
Institute of Turkish Studies (ITS) - Founded and incorporated in the District of Columbia in 1982 and currently located at the Edmund A. Walsh School of Foreign Service of the Georgetown University, the oldest and largest school of international affairs in the country, the Institute of Turkish Studies (ITS) is the only non-profit, private educational foundation in the United States that sports the development of Turkish Studies in American higher education. |
Inter-American Agency for Cooperation and Development - Information on Fellowship Programs and Student Loans (Latin America - North America) |
International Education Financial Aid IEFA is the premier Internet resource for financial aid information for students wishing to study in a foreign country. At this site, you will find the most comprehensive listing of grants, scholarships, loan programs, and other information to assist students in their pursuit to study abroad. |
International Education Finance Corporation In this time of globalization and increased desire to study abroad, the International Education Finance Corporation (IEFC) has developed a range of international student loan programs for the growing population of students who wish to study in foreign countries. To date, our programs have helped over 10,000 students reach their goal of an international education. |
NAFSA - the Association of International Educators provides a good introduction with its "Basic facts for students" |
NAFSA Grants and Scholarships - including ASEAN Student Assistance Awards Program (ASAAP), Korean Student Assistance Awards Program (KSAAP) and Rhys Glynn-Jones Memorial South Pacific Scholarship Program |
National Security Education Program (NSEP) - offers undergraduate scholarships to U.S. citizens of up to $16,000 for summer, semester or academic year study abroad. |
Rotary Foundation Scholarships - the Ambassadorial Scholarships Program of The Rotary Foundation is the world's largest privately funded international scholarships program. More than 1,200 scholarships were awarded for study in 2000-01. |
FinAid - Renowned college financial aid site |
Sallie Mae's web site, the largest educational lender in the USA |
Student Loan Buying Guide - Your online resource for student loans | Financial Aid Advertising Page |
Study Abroad: An Investment in Your Future - a very useful online brochure from Michigan State University including some great tips about funding your study abroad experience. |
Study Abroad Scholarships - online search through International Study and Travel Center at the Univesity of Minnesota. |
Social Science Research Foundation - provides predissertation and dissertation fellowships, postdoctoralfellowships, and advanced research grants in both the social sciences and humanities. | At Studentawards, high school, college and university students can search from thousands of unique scholarships, bursaries, grants and other forms of financial assistance. It's free, private and personalized. |
U.S. Department of Education - Student Guide is the most comprehensive resource on student financial aid from the U.S. Department of Education. Grants, loans, and work-study are the threemajor forms of student financial aid available through the Department's Student Financial Assistance office. |
U.S. Department of State - Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs (ECA) fosters mutual understanding between the United States and other countries throughinternational educational and training programs. |
USDepartment of Education, Financial Aid Information |
Books on the Subject: |
By Mail: A STUDENT'S GUIDE TO SCHOLARSHIPS,GRANTS, AND FUNDINGPUBLICATIONS IN INTERNATIONAL EDUCATION AND OTHER DISCIPLINES. (April 1997, Michigan State University) A very popular reference work which contains 79 pages of annotated citations including websites. Anyone who is interested can purchase it for $5 which includes postage and handling by sending a check or money order payable to Michigan State University, and a note indicating they wish to purchase the GUIDE to Michigan State University Rm.209 Office of the Dean, International Studies and Programs, Center for International Studies andPrograms. East Lansing, Michgan 48824 |
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